the Artist's Refuge at Thunderhead
116 Thunderhead Lane
Hughesville, Montana
Highway 89 bisects the Lewis and Clark National Forest between Great Falls, MT and White Sulphur Springs, MT. The small town of Monarch lies on HWY 89 approx. half way between the two.
The only road going east out of Monarch on HWY 89 is a gravel road known as Hughesville Road but it is unmarked. Follow this road approximately 12.5 miles (staying left at the only major fork about 10 miles or so in). Right after the fork there is a big sign that says “Warning Private Property next 5 miles. Stay on Road.” Just keep going.
After a small sage/green house (on the right hand side of the road) the next driveway off to the right is ours. It is marked with our brand new A.R.T. sign that is hard to miss and is even lit at night. (If you come to a major fork in the road you have come a bit too far. Turn around and take the first drive on your left.) Continue up the driveway a short ways and you have arrived!
NOTE: Do NOT use google maps
(Or any gps travel apps. They will take you on back roads that you do NOT want to be on.)